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The September Wall

Every time I come back from vacation, and every time I have much more time to spend reading English content, every damn time I come back with the desire to write my blog posts in English. Every. Single. Time.

It happens because I have free time, I can pay attention to writing, and I can use language tools with no pressure. Also, I’d like to meet a wider audience (can we talk about the “audience” in our little blog world?).

So, every time I try to write in English, I crash into the September wall: I’m going to stop into things to do, and my wonderful idea skipped to next year, like a gym membership or watching more TV series.

Anyway, I returned from vacation, and I’m thinking of restarting with my English utopia. You can imagine me speaking like Luigi Mario of the Mario Bros., of course.

I need more time, it’s true; I need to pay more attention to it, it’s true, but I don’t necessarily need to post on the blog every few days.

I don’t want to transform this blog into just an English blog. Likewise, I’ll post in Italian if I want to give free rein to my stream of consciousness or if I need to comment on Italian articles.

I don’t know, this even could be the first and the last English post.

It’s a new experiment. Let’s see if bricks and stones fall on me again, like last time. Just in case, maybe stay away for a while.