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There is a guiding light that must light up your working path: you can switch companies.

If you want a better job environment, an economic recognition that your actual employer cannot guarantee, or if you want to grow, you should switch companies.

Like Nike, do it. But do it right.

There are many reasons to leave your company, but leave in a transparent, proper, and respectful way. By respecting the company and your coworkers, you will ensure that you leave the right legacy.

If you decide to leave, tell either your manager or your Human Resources department. In a professional company, nobody will disapprove of your personal choice.

Your honesty will help you avoid ambiguity and overtake a hard transition from the old and the new company. The clarity will be a way for your colleagues to pick up and understand all the information they need to continue your activities. Furthermore, respecting human relationships will help you avoid misunderstandings and avoid leaving a bad, hypocritical, and anguishing memory on both sides.

That said, here a recommendation series that you can follow to peacefully switch companies.

  • What you have done will be accessible to your colleagues: what you’re doing must be achieved in a right, complete and documented way. If you have done something in an approximation, report it and try to solve before to leave.

  • If it is possible to complete suspended work, do it. Don’t give broken things to fix to others. In short, if you can do it, do it.

  • Document your work with clarity and punctuality, especially if there are no public references. Your successors can’t drive crazy trying to understand incomprehensible work. After your switch, they must not disturb you because they have been found only dust in between cracked stuff.

  • Be grateful toward colleagues, over all, if they have taught you something. Even one.

  • Don’t run off. Just the shadows vanish without saying bye.

  • Keep professional, even you know that your professionality won’t be needed anymore.

  • Keep good relationship, keep opened, serious and expert communication. Will be preserved memories and feats.

  • Give thanks, if it was even a little bit worthwhile.

I hope that will be all OK. Now drink about your new job. But you pay the bill now.