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The delegator pain

I’m aware that delegating can be tricky. It’s uncomfortable, and it’s often problematic. I heard this from anyone has a managing or team leading role: it’s difficult to find the right person, to choose the appropriate tasks to give him, and to evaluate the proper support to give him. It’s a hard nut to crack. Better to do himself, they said.

I frequently realize that the difficult it’s not for the delegatee, but for the delegator. Accepting that the task may not be how we’d do, it’s frustrating. The task will be certainly different from what we normally do. It will be a similar thing, very close to our desire, it will be like our, but we would have done differently. Maybe better. We don’t know.

It’s the delegator pain.

Maybe we don’t need to learn how to delegate, but we should learn how to be happy with the results. We must understand that if we delegate, we won’t receive the completed task we have requested, clear and identical how we would do, but another stuff. Otherwise, we would have done it our own.

But, needless to say, if we had done it our own, that we don’t have done other things. Consoling ourselves thinking that, meanwhile, the task was done.

🇮🇹 You can find here the original Italian post.