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There are several ways to contact me or find me online. I prefer not to have too many because I like to focus all of my web activities here on my blog. You are welcome to write to me, and here is a list of how.

  • I like to talk by email, so the best way to get in touch is to email me.

  • I don’t use many social media; I have just a Mastodon account because I like the fediverse idea.

  • Instant messaging can displace me; however, it is superior to the silence. You can message me on Telegram when you want to.

  • The books that I have either read or am currently reading are available on Literal.

  • I have a professional website where I describe my work. In Italian, just in Italian.

  • I don’t like LinkedIn. I’ve written about it before. However, my job forces me to have and maintain an account. I use it for professional thoughts, team, company, or customer management, and some are posted here.

At the time, I do not recall having any other social profiles. I keep thinking about it.