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The selfie power

Every time my partner proposes us a selfie, me and my daughter snort. She frames us, presses accidentally the shutdown button, and puts the phone in standby mode. We laugh. So, I take a picture of us that laughing. With my phone.

Selfie is something that I don’t like to do, and that my daughter doesn’t like to do, but that we do because it becomes a funny thing. I save these pictures on my phone and don’t share them on social media. We only take them for ourselves. They are very personal. They are just “moments”. We rarely even look at them again.

A few days ago, Apple Photos suggested to me a video based on these pictures. A beautiful series of family selfies. We were in Prague, Florence, Paris, on the Garda Lake, and in other places where we were laughing because of my partner’s clumsiness with their phone. And it was very touching.

So, I’ve recalibrate the selfie power, and I’ve appreciated the times that my partner asked us to take a selfie. Because now I keep memories of our trips that, watched together, build the history of our family journey. Looking at these photos together and enjoying of our laughter has been one of the most beautiful moments in our last months.

I’d never have said that. I loved our family selfie series. Thanks, darling.