I prefer frictions
I appreciate Micro.blog platform and their created community. I thought several times about opening an account because the idea to join to the Fediverse with my blog intrigues me. Moreover, I found it a good place to embrace the magic blogging world for those that haven’t the right nerdy nature to open a website himself. But I gave up because their mission scared me.
Personal blogging that makes it easy to be social
I want not be social.
Knowing new bloggers, interacting with them and discussing our posts’ topic it’s a different social form from the engaging that a social platform wants to create — for the business reasons too.
My social networks are email and RSS feeds.
I understand that people seek alternatives to be social without submitting to the rules of big tech corporations, but by using known ways to interact — comments, likes, and followers — through blogging.
I don’t blame, but I prefer frictions.