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Working Copy

If you:

  • have a blog that works with a static website framework like Hugo — that I use with huge satisfaction —, either Astro, Jekyll, or what else,
  • and have iOS and iPadOS devices,
  • and want to manage your blog on mobile,

you can’t imagine living without Working Copy.

Working Copy is a git client to manage your repositories on mobile, like as a desktop client. It’s a non-cheap solution but worth any paid cent. It’s frequently updated, it has a nice design, and it notices every deleted, edited and new file or folder. The app guarantees the right delivery process and publication with no slowdowns.

I love it, and I love the AI that can generate an automatic comment, if you like, for your commits. Wonderful!

This is just an endorsement post and an invitation to try it. I recommend it. From now on, it’s on my Default Apps list.