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Let go our borders

Yesterday I was in train. I was headed to Milan. The passenger behind me was a banking and spoke a lot on the phone. Next to me, was settled a woman with two dogs that was snooping on social media. Both were making noise. Both were somehow marking their sound territory. I had my AirPods Pro with noise-cancelling.

The professional had reprimanded her, asking turning down the phone volume; the woman replied that the call made noise too, but she didn’t complain about it. Both bickered for a while, then gave up, silenced their phones, and kept quiet.

In those next silences, I thought that everybody was closed in their reasons, that we are all close in our reasons: no one forces himself to understand others and to avoid reacting from the gut. Nobody wants to give up at which is owned, not even if it makes sense to leave an infinitesimal part. We live in a world where the duties crumble in front of the rights; and where rights became egoism. Where the collective has no value, the neighbor doesn’t exist, the individuality and the property prevail.

New fascisms are emerging. We who realize this, let’s try to let go part of our borders.