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Don't overdo just to get things done

In a job interview that I recently conducted, the candidate told me to be very meticulous, and that, if he had many things to do, he wouldn’t return to home until he’s done all. This approach demonstrates excellent motivation and a good sacrifice propensity1.

Honestly, I prefer a resource that tells me how to select things to do, how to give them the right priorities, and how to guarantee completion within the human limit of a workday.

A resource that doesn’t need to overdo just to get things done, but that can organize his tasks to get better and in established times. And that has a giant desire to go to his home, to his life, as soon as possible.

🇮🇹 You can find here the original Italian post.

  1. If it were true! It was still a job interview, I mean. ↩︎