Convince them to leave
Zuck is flatly interested in acting freely in favor of his companies. When he apologizes for the negative consequences of his products, he is less sincere than when he decides to cut costs that are needed to avoid them. As for the depth of his strategic thinking in the great power struggle that Musk has launched, well, on that, it might be better to wait a bit longer to express a judgment. Certainly, Zuck has not invested much in the attempt to demonstrate that he possesses depth of thought.
— Luca De Biase on his blog (in Italian).
If you care about your father or your mother, if you love your brothers or your sisters, if you want to protect your partner, if you adore your sons and daughters, if you care about your family, your friends, your neighbors, and your acquaintances, if you hope to preserve those you know, put all your strength into convincing everyone to leave Facebook, Instagram, Threads, but also X, TikTok, and all the range of right-wing social media platforms active on the web.
Just do it. Like those with the shoes.