This blog is lovingly made with Hugo, an open-source static website generator. It’s written in Markdown, hosted on GitHub and deployed thanks to Netlify.
The blog theme is Congo, but I have customized it. The statistics are collected by GoatCounter, an open-source stats platform with no tracking: my privacy policy describes it.
I created the logo myself, but I am not a designer. There are a lot of flaws, but I like it. It’s strongly inspired by Outward Block typeface designed by Raoul Audouin.
All fonts are hosted locally.
Soria is a serif typeface inspired by Art Noveau and designed by Bydani. I use it for titles.
Lora is a contemporary font designed by Cyreal. I utilize it for all content.
JetBrains Mono it’s an open-source monospaced font released by JetBrains for their software. I use it for code snippets.
I chose to use a Creative Commons license with attribution non-commercial for my content. You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format; you can remix, transform, and build upon the material; but you cannot use it for commercial purposes, and you must give the appropriate credit.
The RSS feed can be found here.