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Don't read myself

I’m suffering a little on writing in English. And it is not for the English, which I enjoy, but for the slowing of my communication.

Weekend social nightmares

Since Elon Musk started to participate in the Republican campaign for the Presidential — and overall, after the Trump winning and the initiation as external member of the next government — many Twitter/X residents were waking up and decided to left their account.

I prefer frictions

I appreciate platform and their created community. I thought several times about opening an account because the idea to join to the Fediverse with my blog intrigues me.

New logo and new fonts

I have updated my blog’s logo. I’ve changed it because the previous was incomprehensible, in my opinion.

The September Wall

Every time I come back from vacation, and every time I have much more time to spend reading English content, every damn time I come back with the desire to write my blog posts in English.


Mi sono sempre più disabituato ad accedere a Mastodon e condividerci cose.


Sono stato un fotoamatore. In passato ho avuto diverse reflex e ho viaggiato spesso, anche da solo, con l’unico intento di raccogliere immagini da conservare, pubblicare e condividere.

Poi, promesso, andiamo avanti

Ci sono cose che si possono scrivere agilmente e che diventano in poco tempo vita vissuta, storia, passato raccontato.